About Us Parish Leadership Team About Us Parish Leadership Team Parish Pastoral Council St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Our Vision Our History St Francis of Assisi - Who are we? Being Catholic Sacraments Finance Committee Parish Leadership Team Parish Leadership Team Monsignor Gerry BurnsKa nui te mihi ki a koutou!I was born in Wellington, baptised in St Joseph’s, Mount Victoria, and made my first communion at (now disappeared) St John’s, Ngaio. I was schooled through St Benedict’s, Khandallah, and St. Pat’s town (at its original site by the Basin Reserve). I did my studies towards priesthood in Hawkes Bay and Dunedin and was ordained in 1985.My parish appointments have been in Lower Hutt, Newtown and South Wellington as well as in the parish for Māori, Te Ngākau Tapu. Very formative in my life was my 8 years as a priest in Peru, South America. From that I do some chaplaincy to Spanish-speakers.I also have a long-standing interest in action for social justice as an essential dimension of Christian faith. So I have various involvements in these questions through the Archdiocesan Ecology, Justice and Peace commission, Caritas Aotearoa NZ, etc. For our archbishops over the last 16 years I have had the role of Vicar-General which involves various administration and personnel matters.Looking forward to discovering the depths of the Christian mysteries with you… Kia whakapaingia mātou tō tātou Atua a Hēhu Karaiti. Gerard Burns _________________________Father Alfred TongKia ora koutou! One of the greatest things about being your Assistant Priest is to discover how good and beautiful everyone is in the parish - to taste the unique flavour that God has gifted every person. Well I found myself in the classroom today, doing a little experiment, tasting different flavours of ice cream with the teacher and the students at one of our Catholic Schools. We found that we all enjoyed different flavours - no one of us are alike! It's the same idea when it comes to being your Assistant Priest. No words can fully describe the variety of encounters that happen on a day-to-day basis, or the special people that I meet. I've only been ordained since September 2022 for the Archdiocese of Wellington. My first appointment after priestly ordination was in Te Awakairangi Parish in Lower Hutt. Before my time as a priest, I obtained a PhD in Pharmacy and Chemistry from the University of Otago, and worked as a researcher analyzing pharmaceutical residues and pollutants in the environment. Science has taught me that there is always more to discover about ourselves and our world. And it's why I love finding out what life means through this role. It's amazing to encounter how God touches us in our lives and it's a delight being with you all. With prayers and blessings, Fr Alfred. ______________________________ Home Our Schools St Benedict's School - Khandallah St Brigid's School - Johnsonville Mass Times About the Mass Publications Our Ministries Baptism Ministry Bereavement Group Children's Liturgy Christian Meditation Group Focolare Movement Parish Liturgy Group Marian Mothers Music Groups Passionist Family Group Prayer Network Reverence For Life Sacramental Programme St Vincent de Paul Society Visiting the Sick Welcome Ministry Youth Ministry - Challenge 2000 Out Reach Ministry About Us Parish Leadership Team Parish Pastoral Council St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Our Vision Our History St Francis of Assisi Being Catholic Sacraments Finance Committee Updates Covid-19 Property Review Vacancies SFOA Prayer SYNOD 2023 Calendars Media Contact Us Links