About Us Sacraments About Us Parish Leadership Team Parish Pastoral Council St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Our Vision Our History St Francis of Assisi - Who are we? Being Catholic Sacraments Finance Committee Sacraments The Sacraments The Catholic Church has seven sacraments. Each church within the Parish offers the sacraments. Baptism Eucharist (First Holy Communion) Confirmation Penance (Reconciliation) Anointing of the sick Marriage Holy Orders The Catholic tradition recognises seven Sacraments, moments when God acts directly and powerfully in our lives. Each is an occasion of the in-breaking of God into lives, a gift of God’s presence; an ‘outward sign of an inward grace.’He transforms those moments to become living encounters with him. These are called Sacraments.We become children of the Father in Baptism,strengthened by our deepened relationship with the Holy Spirit in Confirmation,and become one with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. The Sacrament of Reconciliation offers us a unique encounter with God when we need forgiveness and mercy. It is an act of a personal God coming to us in a fragility and weakness, forgiving us and telling us to go and sin no more. How we celebrate the Sacraments at St Francis of Assisi Ohariu BaptismThe Baptism Ministry supports those preparing for baptisms. They facilitate and assist parents/guardians to prepare for and organise their child’s baptism, and to help young adults prepare for their own baptism. Baptisms are usually planned for the third Sunday of each month. We meet with the parents/guardians/young people at home, assist in organising dates/times and special requirements, and encourage full participation of whānau.We also assist in developing baptism liturgies, encouraging parents/guardians to recognise their role as first and most important teachers and guides for their child’s Christian upbringing.The Baptism Coordinator is Resty Sales resty.sales@gmail.comReconciliation, Confirmation & Holy EucharistOur Sacramental programme is available to all children who have been baptised into the Catholic faith and reached Year 4 or above in the primary school system. During the course of the year candidates, with the assistance and support of their families and the Parish, work towards receiving the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Eucharist. Sessions are a mixture of home and parish-based learning. This is a rewarding and deeply spiritual experience designed to give all those involved a closer relationship to God and a deepening of their spiritual life. Please contact the Parish Office.Of course, the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Eucharist are central to our living faith and are celebrated many many times in the Parish and all Baptised are encouraged to participate fully in these celebrations.Anointing of the Sick A team of dedicated parishioners in each of our church communities regularly visit people who live at home, or in one of the four rest homes in our Parish area, to deliver. Holy Communion Prayers Conversation Family liaison A priest is available to administer the Sacrament of the Sick and to give assistance when required.If you would like to be involved, or know someone who would benefit from our services, contact coordinator Pauline White: paulinetedw@gmail.comMarriageAnyone wishing to marry in one of our Churches can contact the Parish office.There are Marriage Preparation Courses for couples.The marriage preparation courses include: how our family of origin affects the way we communicate; developing a shared understanding of marriage; intimate communication; managing conflict, intimacy and sexuality, and the Sacrament of Marriage, all from a Catholic perspective.There are two parts to the Archdiocese’s marriage preparation programme, “Commit” and “Love is a Decision”. These courses are designed to build strong foundations for a lasting marriage. All are welcome regardless of religious belief. The course facilitators are trained married people and the courses give you: Quality time together with your partner; Real life experience shared by married couples; Relationship education.Please contact Felicity Giltrap, Marriage Programmes Coordinatormarriage@wn.catholic.org.nz 04 496 1719For more information and to register for a marriage preparation course visit the ADW Marriage Prep websiteCOMMIT and Love is a Decision are very popular courses. You need to book early to ensure a place (at least six months before your wedding).Engaged EncounterIs a live out weekend group course to plan your marriage and discuss important topics together. The cost is $180 per couple. The dates for Engaged Encounter in 2020 are:14-15 March, 18-19 July, 14-15 November. To book go to:www.cee-wellington.co.nzor call Simon and Kate Olsen (04) 801 6192 or email simonolsen@gmail.comHoly Orders – the PriesthoodIf there is the thought in your heart that God might be asking you to consider priesthood, what do you doIn a meeting with Pope Francis the bishop of San Bernardo in Chile asked the Holy Father, “What would you say to a young person who at this moment feels a vocation to the priesthood or religious life?” The Pope’s answer was simple, “that young person should allow himself to be gazed at by Jesus. Jesus is the one who calls, not the priest, nor the bishop or the Pope. It is Jesus who gazes at him with love, who shows him the people, who shows him the needs of the people of God and says, ‘if you wish, come help.’”This is the starting point, and it may be the place where you stay for a while, looking at Jesus and becoming aware of the needs of God’s people.After a time (or even right away) you may like to talk about priesthood. You can do this with Fr David Dowling (021 174 4248, frdavidd@gmail.com) who is the Vocations Director for the Archdiocese of Wellington. No pressure, just accompaniment as you discern where the Lord is leading you. If you would like to know more about priesthood visit our website http://www.wellingtonpriests.org/The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify people, to build up the Body of Christ, and, finally, to worship God.’ (Vatican II, Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy par 59) Home Our Schools St Benedict's School - Khandallah St Brigid's School - Johnsonville Mass Times About the Mass Publications Our Ministries Baptism Ministry Bereavement Group Children's Liturgy Christian Meditation Group Focolare Movement Parish Liturgy Group Marian Mothers Music Groups Passionist Family Group Prayer Network Reverence For Life Sacramental Programme St Vincent de Paul Society Visiting the Sick Welcome Ministry Youth Ministry - Challenge 2000 Out Reach Ministry About Us Parish Leadership Team Parish Pastoral Council St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Our Vision Our History St Francis of Assisi Being Catholic Sacraments Finance Committee Updates Covid-19 Property Review Vacancies SFOA Prayer SYNOD 2023 Calendars Media Contact Us Links