Baptism Ministry

The mission of the Baptism Ministry is to support those preparing for baptisms. They  facilitate and assist parents/guardians to prepare for and organise their child’s baptism, and to help young adults prepare for their own baptism. Baptisms are usually planned for the third Sunday of each month. 

We meet with the parents/guardians/young people at home, assist in organising dates/times and special requirements, and encourage full participation of whānau.

We also assist in developing baptism liturgies, encouraging parents/guardians to recognise their role as first and most important teachers and guides for their child’s Christian upbringing.

If you or someone you know would like to get Baptised please send your enquiries to the parish office at 37 Dr Taylor Terrace Johnsonville. You can contact the office on 04 478 7137 or

We are currently in the process of training new members to work across our Parish, please contact Resty if you would like to be involved.  (