Passionist Family Group Movement

The Passionist Family Group Movement is alive and well in St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish, with eight groups currently functioning. Passionist Family Groups have been operating in our parish for almost 30 years and were set up by the Passionist Fathers from Australia with the aim of building community and “living as the early Christians”.  Some of the groups are relatively homogenous whilst others have members spanning a wide range of ages, family combinations and interests. As reflects the make-up of the parish there are a wide range of nationalities within the groups. Just under 110 family units are part of the Passionist Family Group and the movement has been part of the parish since 1991. We invite you as a newcomer to … JOIN A FAMILY GROUP.

Groups are open to newcomers and welcome any new members, taking in any age, either sex, single or partnered, with or without children, foster children, grandkids etc. Most groups meet monthly, and as love and commitment is built up within the group individuals meet more often or informally. Activities are decided by the group according to what best suits the members. These are usually low-cost and family oriented.

The aims and goals of the passionist family group are:

  • To share our Christian life together
  • To support each other in times of need, and celebration
  • To give example to, and involve children in our Christian sharing
  • To build and promote community spirit within the Parish
  • To live and love like the early Christians - “see how they love one another”.

Being a member of a family group is a fabulous way to get to know a range of people in the parish and to participate in the building of church community. You will have a lot of fun, be able to support and get support from others and foster your faith through relationships. Through the interaction within your family group you will find you are bringing a happy, loving spirit to your Parish community. Children will feel they belong to a large extended family and will learn loving and caring from the example of others. Family groups help make church relevant to the children. This was how the Church first began. This is what it can be now.

Members support one another in ways that are not always evident, and the social gatherings are the vehicle for building community. The groups are in good heart, meeting every 4-6 weeks. 

If you would like to join a group please contact: John & Kerry Kleinsman;

Last updated: 23rd June, 2020