October 2022 Update

Please find notes from the the Parish Property Meeting on Monday 25th September.  Click here.

For a copy of the presentation click here.

September 2022  Update
St Francis of Assisi Property Meeting - 25th September 2022

Please click here for a copy of the presentation.


FAQ's - Questions and Answers relating to the property project


March 2022 Update

 Letter to Cardinal John - 30th March

 Property Proposal Final


February 2022 Update

DRAFT for Parishioner Feedback

APPENDIX 2 - Building Maintenance Report 30th March


December Update

Property Review Feedback - Carol Burns


Meeting Notes

St Andrews Church Property Review Meeting - 25 Nov 2021

Buildings & Property Review Community Engagement Meeting Notes


November Update

Cardinal John had asked all parishes to undertake a property review several years ago. He agreed that our review could be deferred until this year and expected this to be completed by October 2021. Unfortunately as a result of COVID we had to postpone our meetings and now propose to submit a proposal to Cardinal John in March 2022.
New dates will be scheduled soon for the meetings that were postponed. 
While we have been in lockdown we undertook a simple survey to get parishioners thinking about the parish and our properties now and what we might need in future. The results of the survey are available on our website or from the link below. Please note two comments in the survey have been redacted due to the personal and inappropriate nature of the comments.

Please Click Below to access the latest Property Review Results

 Property Survey Results


September Update
As we can not meet as a community while in COVID level 4, 3 and 2 the property review will be deferred until we are able to meet again as a community.

Cardinal John directed every parish to carry out a review of it’s churches and presbyteries.
This review is to be with him, complete with developed proposals, no later than 30 October 2021. The Leadership Formation Team invites you to be part of the Review leading up to the 30th October 2021 deadline. As an aid to our discernment the Leadership Formation Team will be hosting a number of “Conversations” and Events. We welcome you to join.


St Brigid's Property Review Submission 2021


Our Review So Far:

Consultation notes 15 Aug St P&P Click here

Thank you to those that attended the St Francis of Assisi Ohariu Parish Discernment for our Parish Meeting on Sunday 1st August. We had four main speakers then had opportunities for group discussions.
Below is an audio link and supporting documents from the Parish Property Review meeting held on 01.08.21.

Click on the speaker on the black timeline to enable the audio.

Ewen Laurenson Ohariu Parish Reflection Presentation 01.08.21

Ewen Laurenson Poster from Presentation 01.08.21

Dermot Byrne Property Review Presentation 01.08.21

Sio Iaseto-Filo's Property Powerpoint 01.08.21

John Lawson Building Review Register of Ideas Draft 01.08.21

Additional Supporting Documents:

Cardinal John Dew's Letter

SFOA Property Review Consultation Background Information August 2021

Fr M McCabe - Saint Francis of Assisi Ohariu Conversation Powerpoint

Young People's hopes - response to parishes 2021

Below is an audio link to the Parish Property Review meeting held on Sunday 4th July 2021 if you wish to listen to it. Click on the speaker on the black timeline to enable the audio. 


Theological Reflection on Church Property


St Francis of Assisi Ohariu has begun our review that will identify how many churches the parish needs to cater for its Mass count (taking into account the availability of priests and lay pastoral leaders), and the ideal location of the church or churches.
Cardinal John reminds us that for most, if not all parishes with more than one church, this will mean reducing the number of churches in the parish.
Provision for accommodation of priests in the parish is part of the review.
His last encouragement on the directive was to be prepared to be radical in our thinking and discernment as we discern and commit to being missionary disciples bringing about the reign of God in our time.

The Leadership Formation Team invites you to be part of the review leading up to the 30th October 2021 deadline.  

Prayer for our Parish of St. Francis of Assisi Ohariu.
Loving God,
as members of our Pari
sh of St. Francis of Assisi Ohariu, we come before you in a spirit of love, prayer and thanksgiving. We pray you bind us together in love. Whatever our age, cultural background and individual roles within our parish, may we be one together in Jesus. May we accept, affirm and support one another. In your service we offer you our talents and gifts so as to build your Loving Presence amongst us.
May our Parish be vibrant with your love and always a place of welcome. May your Holy Spirit anoint us, inspire us, and send us out into the community as witnesses to you and your love and teaching.
May we have the courage and compassion to reach beyond our church to the peripheries to those who are most vulnerable and in need.
May your Holy Spirit draw others to you through us.
We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen
St. Francis of Assisi pray for us, and guide us.

St Bens Square

St Andrews Square reducedSt Peters and Pauls reduced